Sunday, August 23, 2020

PERMACULTURE (Ethics and principles, Examples)


                                                                       Permaculture, in simple words it is can said as the a process that mimic the natural ecosystems.Without disturbing the natural environment performing the the activity of agriculture is permaculture.The permaculture term was coined in Tasmania by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren in the mid 1970's.PERMACULTURE a combination of the words PERMANENT and AGRICULTURE offer a unique approach to the practice of sustainable farming,ranching ,gardening and living.
                                                                     Permaculture is something to how to which shows how to work,with the dynamics of natural ecosystems.We can apply this knowledge in designing constructed ecosystems that serve the needs of human populations without degrading our natural environment.Permaculture would deal with integrated plants,animals, landscapes,structures & human into symbiotic systems where the product of one element serves the need of another.It can be done with by using the minimum material,energy & labor.By recycling " waste" resources back into the system,it also minimizes the pollution.
                                                                       As permaculture mimics the natural process of ecosystems .The careful observation of the natural cycles, energies and resources on a site are necessary. We can design a system that imitates Nature & takes on a life of its own . So, the permaculture is a system of design . Permaculture can yield a variety of high quality food fiber & energy to meet the basic human needs.


 Ethics and  Principle of Permaculture

1. Observe and  interact. 
2. Catch and store energy.
3. Obtain a yield.
4. Apply  Self Regulation and accept feedback. 
5.Use and value Renewable Resources and services. 
6. Produce No waste.
7. Design from Patterns to Details. 
8. Integrate Rather than segregate. 
9. Use small and Slow Solutions.
10. Use and value Diversity. 
11. Use edges & value the marginal . 
12. Creatively use & Respond to change.

 1. Observe & interact
                                Being observant and reacting to what we see is really important in moving towards a more ethical and sustainable way of life. While Observing means should consider the times of day & cultures.

 2. Catch & store Energy 
 Energy is which gives us the ability to work , should not be wasted . The renewable ways of capturing and utilizing energy should be promoted.

3. Obtain a yield
 Design of the should be that it should encourage the yield of the crop and hence they would create  . ' "Positive feedback loop "

 4. Apply Self - regulation and accept feedback
 We need to discourage inappropriate activity to ensure that systems can continue to function well.

 5. Use and value Renewable Resources and services .
 A diversified use of renewable resources at appropriate level of use can help us to limit our to consumption. 

 6. Produce No waste
Recycling, composting & reducing waste are increasingly important as population increases.
 Like , A stitch saves nine.

7.Design from Patterns to Details
 By stepping Back , we can observe patterns in nature and society . These can form the backbone of our designs with the details filled in as we go.
                                                                                              - McManus 2010 

8. Integrale Rather than segregate
 The recognition of complex connection in nature and making beneficial use of those interactions.

9.Use small and slow solutions
Small and slow systems are easier to maintain than big ones, making better use of local resources and produce more sustainable outcomes. 

10.Use and value diversity
Permaculture seeks to understand past, present and potential biological and cultural diversity.

11.Use edges and value the marginal
A point where two systems meet is often a place where productivity and stability can be found. Rather than disregarding the marginal we should look for ways to make use of it's diversity and productivity.

12.Creativity, use and respond to change
 We can have a positive impact on inevitable change be carefully observing and then intervening of the right time.

Principles of Permaculture [Infographic | Permaculture ...

Examples of Permaculture-

  • Rain water harvesting
  • Stack function
  • Herb spirals
  • Design a plant guide

Permaculture vs Organic farming

                                                                     Permaculture & Organic farming have similarities but also differences what connects these two gardens is high respect for environment principles,nonuse of synthetic resources, production with the application of natural processes & material. Development Sustainable agri system rationalization of natural resources. Organic farming involves , growing food with a lot work invested. Permaculture can be called as "lazy agriculture". Permaculture is a focus on biodiversity, perennial plants . One of the biggest & major difference is land treatment. 

Permaculture: Humanity's Best Hope For Survival? | FOOD MATTERS®       Immerse Yourself in a Permaculture Design Course - Permaculture ...

                                                                                                       By:- Aishwarya Awasarmol


  1. Very interesting n informative blog written by u. Allways write on such new topics. Well done.. keep it up...

  2. Great article. Couldn’t be write much better!

    Keep it up...๐Ÿ‘



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